Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Skin Macro

These are some shots taken on my DSLR with a 50mm 1.8 lens, mounted backwards with a reversal ring which allows it to be used like a macro lens. The problem with this is that there is no electronic connection between the lens and the camera body, so the aperture can't be changed and all focussing has to be done manually, and because the aperture is constantly set to f00, the photographs have an incredibly shallow depth of field. I didn't use controlled lighting for these photographs, the model was sat next to a window, which I think has turned out a lot better than using studio lighting, the skin appears a lot soften, and nicely exposed despite the difficulty with the lens/camera.
I like these photographs because of the massive amount of detail captured by using the lens this way, even though there is only a small part of the photograph in focus, the closeness really brings out the detail in all of the skin. As well as this, the photographs are quite abstract, not all of them are clear which body part they are, which I feel is definitely a positive quality, and one I'll be trying to use more often.

I like this one the least from the set, it's a lot more obvious and clear what it is unlike the others, which puts me off. I'd like to try reshooting mouths in a more abstract way, similar to the rest of this set.

This is my favourite shot from the set, I like how the light really highlights every bump in the skin. As well as that, you can't really tell what it is straight away, and it makes the viewer have to think a lot more about it, rather than acknowledging it and moving on.

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