Monday, 28 April 2014

Self Consciousness Opinons

"I'm self conscious about my face, because it's the first thing people see, and it can instantly set someone's impression of you, because everyone gets judged"

"My skin - I have really bad eczema, so I always wear long sleeved tops because I don't like showing it. I try my best to help it but it's more difficult than people think"

"My weight, due to slowly getting bigger and how people respond to it. After a period of time I noticed how it affected social circumstances. I didn't realise at first, but a lot of people who hadn't seen me in a while would comment on it"

"Not looking 'neat', I don't care much about looking anything other than neat, clean or trimmed. This is mostly because I don't like people point out things out of place"

"Probably my smile, because I have a tooth out of place. People tend to slyly look at it or comment on it, so it highlights that it's noticable and abnormal"

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